23 October 2008


This is going to be the first time for me to vote since moving to New Mexico. I'll miss the old town hall in Lancaster, with Connie Cardinal signing me in and the little booths with their red white and blue curtains and handing my ballot to a beaming Jim Seppala as we both put it into the giant wooden ballot box. Small town life is so very special! Now that I'm in a "big" city (relax ~ I grew up in Chicago, I know a real big city when I see one) and carless, I made sure I applied for an absentee ballot. It's here! It's here! I can't remember being this excited to vote for a President since the very first time I did it. (John Andersen, if you're interested) So I'm going to sit down with a big cup of tea this weekend and fill it out (2 looooong pages) and send it in. If I can convince my brother or sister-in-law to take me, I may even be able to see Barack at UNM this weekend!

If I were a really good person, I would say "It doesn't matter who it's for, just VOTE !" Unfortunately, I have not as yet achieved enlightenment and am still shallow enough to hope that if you're planning to vote for Obama/Biden, please do so and take along someone else who feels as you do. If you're planning to vote for anyone else - stay home!

And now I bring you this little gem:

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