Now I've been knitting for longer than many of you have been alive (no, I did not make baby mastodon sweaters) and cables are not a problem for me. I also am a great fan of knitting by charts, having learned to prefer them for lace. However, either due to chemo or child-rearing (I consider them equally hazardous to mental stability) there can sometimes be a disconnect, or an arcing, if you will, of waves in my cerebral neurons. By that I mean I can look at the chart for moments, tell myself aloud what the symbol means, and then proceed to do something which bears little, if any, resemblance to the charted directions.
I've learned to offset these synaptic shortcomings by creating my own road maps for the charts. It's a little time consuming, but Hey! it works! I make these on Super Sticky large lined post-its and then move them up the chart as I work. I also decided to break down and buy a new cable needle. I have usually used a spare double pointed needle for them, but when you only need to move 2 stitches around, that longer needle becomes tedious.
So I solved part of my cable angst with these:
I KNOW!!! Could it really be that simple? Well, apparently so! I continued along this morning knitting, centering, reveling in the gorgeous breezes, chuckling at Hermione's serenity, and slowly a little thought began to trip through those recalcitrant crenelations (the squiggly things in my brain). follow along:
left cable, cable needle to the front
right cable, cable needle to the back
Repeat after me: left cable, cable needle to the front; right cable, cable needle to the back.
After awhile it came to me (one of those "Eureka" moments):
leFt cable, cable needle to the Front and right cable, cable needle to the back (I'll be "right back")
left front, right back ~ left front, right back ~ left front, right back left
and look at the lovely result:
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