This was supposed to be "Watchin' Sunday" as in football, as in either the Bears or the Patriots, but here in the desert we only get Broncos (blechh!) or Cowboys (BLECHH!!). On occasion we'll get other games, but today is not one of those days. So I'm swatchin' without tv and that's okay. I'm so revolted by some of the political ads on tv these days ( " I survived my mom's abortion IN SPITE OF BARACK OBAMA" puhleeze!!!) And , oh yeah, about that centering, calming, sweet start to my day thing? Not this morning. My brother and wife are off visiting her dad and I've been left as chief doggie wrangler and cat strangler and 2 dogs and 3 cats left little room for Leslie in the bed. So I've been reading all morning ~The Beak of the Finch and swatching some of my yarns.
The other day when I got my new cable needles I also got the Oasis soysilk to make the 2 Morgans. I think I called this hunter. It's actually "Harvest green" although if I ran the world it would be called Swiss chard. It's a neat, almost silvery green and I like it muchly. Here's what it looks like up close. And here's the gauge swatch:
I've also been working with my handspun to help it decide what it would like to be. It's a gorgeous Ashland Bay merino/silk blend of cream, rose, blue, and hints of yellow and green that they call Sandstone. From across the room, that's exactly what it looks like. Up close it's possible to see touches of each of the colors of which it's composed and I really enjoyed spinning it as much as I will knitting it. Lovely stuff, and wonderfully soft.
I have two different possibilities in mind for it. I've swatched both and will have to just look at them for a few days to decide which way to proceed. 
Until then, napping and reading sound equally appealing. At least until it's time NOT to watch the Emmy awards. Thank Buddha for Netflix!
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